Tag: General

A general post, which doesn’t fall into the other categories.

  • Winter in the Pennines: An Unforgettable Snow Day Adventure

    Winter in the Pennines: An Unforgettable Snow Day Adventure

    It was on Saturday evening when I was notified of the incoming snow. I could feel the excitement brewing as I quickly searched for the weather forecast across different parts of the North West. It’s somewhat of a tradition for me to track the snow. This time around, I limited myself to just Apple weather,… Read more

  • Welcome to Emily Blogs – A New Journey Begins

    Welcome to Emily Blogs – A New Journey Begins

    Hi there 👋 Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Emily, and I am excited to begin sharing my journey with you. Starting a blog has been on my mind for quite some time and it’s finally here! In my first post, I hope to give you a bit of background… Read more